Third Word Geography

Third Word Geography

1.) what is third world geography poem?2.) in your own word, what is the message of it?​

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1. 1.) what is third world geography poem?2.) in your own word, what is the message of it?​


1.Third World Geography

by Cirilo F. Bautista

2. the poem describe third world countries in different of life aspect such as poverty,Hope Goverment and Hunger.

The poem describe how the people suffered from the hand of the abusive government. It also depicts the poverty, hunger and the utter agony of the people but it also talks about hope and how people clung onto that hope waiting for a day that a miracle will happen.

2. Third World geography Cerilo F- bautista WORD COUNTRY MAN LITERAL LITERARY REACHED EARTH


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3. third world geography poem​

The poem Third World Geography by Cirilo Bautista describes third world countries in different areas:

Poverty- People who live in Poverty are usually envisioned working under the scorching sun. It symbolizes hardship and the cruel conditions of the work environment.

Hope- This is something everyone living has every mentioned except that the degree which it is needed differs. Governments of third world countries create false hopes by convincing themselves that hardship is "just a handful of feathers" that can easily be carried.

Hunger- This is the most common causes of death among children in these poverty-stricked countries. No food and water. No one can overcome hunger and plant rice on "patched earth."

Government- "Only the winds can hear your useless words." Corruption and bad politics. They know the needs, they know the numbers and yet most keep a deaf ears on poverty and hunger. The rich get only richer and the corrupt becomes the devil's advocate.

4. what is the poem third world geography all about​

The poem describe how the people suffered from the hand of the abusive government. It also depicts the poverty, hunger and the utter agony of the people but it also talks about hope and how people clung onto that hope waiting for a day that a miracle will happen.

5. which region does the poem,"third world geography"?​

Third World Geography become an eye opener for me, millennials and to those who didn't know Martial Law regime or to those who wasn't born yet in that era. This poem shows how the society suffered from poverty in the hand of Marcos. It depicts the selfishness of the government; selfishness in human rights and freedom.

6. "Third World Geography"author​


Cirilo F. Bautista


Cirilo F. Bautista, poet, fictionist, critic, and writer of nonfiction, was born in 1941. A Filipino poet who won a lot of awards. One of the greatest poems he wrote is the Third World Geography, it was written in a simple form but an interesting and powerful message it gave to the readers.

7. what is the canon in the poem of third world geography





8. What is the Connection of Third World Geography poem to the world


In the past years, I have observed that many people think that our society needs to change and improve, but they are afraid to be bold and do something about it for fear of being laughed at or marginalized by the few who are in power. This is just sad. Change does not happen by waiting for someone else to do something about it. It occurs when one person dares to dream and speaks up. This person may be laughed at, but he will keep pushing for reform until others follow his lead because he has got nothing left to lose.


Third World GeographyConnection to the world

The poem is symbolic and represents what was going on in our country decades ago. But, it also reflects and has a connection with what's happening in our society today. First of, is the tyranny in our world's living. Recently, we have been experiencing a pandemic due to COVID-19. Many people are struggling, losing jobs, and evolving in their suffering, and it was kind of traumatic for me because I am not ready to face this era.

Also, one of the most significant issues we have experienced for over a century is poverty. Yet, people are being betrayed by the leaders and be treated as a drudge. This poem exemplified in today's world how the government operates. People can easily be tricked into obeying them, and they do not prioritize how poverty is a problem that must be addressed. Laws have been neglected and not improved, and greed has taken control. There is no transformation in our society to a step in the world's better place — the downtrodden worry about their situation and how unjust it is all the time. To them, the world as a whole is their oyster.

We may see this in several passages of the poem; and view it in today's culture how the underprivileged pleaded for assistance in terms of food, housing, and other necessities education. Additionally, Justice is delivered illegitimately. Those that have made misconducts but with sufficient money to buy justice conquest. The poor lose because of this.

9. who is the speaker of the poem "Third world geography"?​


The persona can be a character in the poem who is involved in the dramatic situation, or the persona can be an observer who is watching the situation unfold. Cirilo Bautista's poem present us with a situation that is allegorical, or not literal but rather representative of other ideas or personalities.


Cirilo Bautista


No need. It's the correct answer.

10. Third world geography poem interpretation


Third World Geography. It is a poem written by Cirilo F. Bautista and I once read it when my Professor in Literature made us looked for it. And like any other poems that i have read, i liked it. It made me feel emotions that I never thought I would feel through paper.

Why you liked this poem?

I like this poem because it reminded me of what had happened decades ago when the Philippines were still under Martial Law. The poem describe how the people suffered from the hand of the abusive government. It also depicts the poverty, hunger and the utter agony of the people but it also talks about hope and how people clung onto that hope waiting for a day that a miracle will happen.

How it made you feel?

It made me feel a burst of emotions. It made me feel sad and happy at the same time. Sad because it really happens in real life, that you will suffer and the government will keep deaf ears about your crying, that they will not care but only themselves. Happy because even though there’s a lot of unfortunate things that had a happened, they didn’t gave up. They stayed on their feets and stood tall and it’s like telling to everyone that they have hope as their weapon and will not raise their white flags.

Message you got from it; how it affects your appreciation of the past and present

The poem teaches us to be resilient and selfless, to not give up even though they are pushing you down not letting you to breathe. It made me realize that whatever the problem is, big or small, we can overcome it and be free from the burden that holds us to become better.

Past and Present. The past is the shadow of the present. No matter of what had happened in the past, good or bad it is one of the factors of who we are today. Regardless of what we have gone through I wouldn’t change a thing because it made us strong and problem-proof so I am confident that if it ever happens again, I know we will know what to do and what not to do.


pabrainliest/follow or heart nlg po ty

11. what is the rhyme scheme of each poem? to third world geography


Rhyme scheme of geography lesson


Some of the worksheets for this concept are Rhyme schemes, Handout 6 rhyme scheme, Rhyme scheme practice, Rhyme scheme, Reading on the move, 13 directions a b, Administration, Alliteration onomatopoeia metaphor simile hyperbole. Work with a partner to complete the three maps.

POEM: Geography Lesson By Zulfikar Ghose. Minilesson by: Rachel Wood . Presentation. This is a single stanza poem of 24 lines and does not have any rhyme scheme.

12. what does the poem talks about in Third World Geography

The poem Third world Geography by Cirilo Bautista describes third world countries in different of life aspects such as: Poverty. Hope. Hunger. Government.

13. 5 lines that shows allegorical elements in the poem Third World Geography


An allegory is a story, poem, or an image in which the characters and events symbolize something else. Typically, this symbolizes a moral or a political issue and/or view. In the poem The Third World Geography, written by Cirilo F. Bautista to describe third world countries, the following are the allegorical elements of the poem.

1. "Only the wind hears your useless words" - this shows how the government is made of corruption and bad politics. The government is aware of the needs of the people yet they seem not to hear the cries of the people.

2. "Thinking of banana trees rotting in the sunlight" - this symbolizes those poor people who work so hard under the heat of the sun. Those who live in poverty who experience so much hardships.

3. "You kneel on the parched earth and pray for rice." - this symbolizes the issue on hunger. No one can plant rice on parched earth, thus, no rice shall grow from it. And no rice means there is nothing to eat.

An allegory can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. In the poem The Third World Geography, issues experienced by third world countries are told.

14. Discuss the realities that happen in a country faced with an oppressive ruler in the third world geography


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2 Days ng walang nagsasagot kaya akin nalang points:))

15. what is the rhyme scheme of each poem? tittle story: third world geography


include in the question so I can see it

#pa brailiest po

16. list of allegorical elements of the poem "the third world geography" by Cirilo F. Bautista

In a story, poem, or artwork known as an allegory, the protagonists and the events are used to represent something else. Usually, this represents a moral or political concern and/or stance. Here are some examples of the allegorical themes used in Cirilo F. Bautista's poem. The Third World Geography, which he wrote to describe several third-world nations.

1. "Only the wind hears your useless words" - a quote that illustrates how corrupt politics and terrible behavior make up the government. The needs of the people are known to the government, yet they don't appear to care about their pleas.

2. "Thinking about banana trees decaying in the sunlight" - refers to the unfortunate individuals who toil so hard in the heat of the sun. People that are poor go through a lot of difficulties.

3. "You bow down on the dry earth and ask for rice" - this stands in for the problem of hunger. No rice will sprout from parched land since it is impossible to put rice there. And if there is no rice, there is nothing to eat.

A hidden message can be found through interpreting an allegory. The Third World Geography is a poem that describes problems that third world nations face. In the poem, it is described how the oppressive government caused people to suffer. However, it also talks about hope and how they held to that hope while waiting for a day when a miracle will happen.

It also shows the people's poverty, starvation, and complete anguish. The poem instructs us to maintain our composure and selflessness and to keep going even though others are pressing against us and preventing us from breathing. No matter how big or minor the issue is, it made me realize this. We can do it and release ourselves from the weight that prevents us from becoming well.

To know more about the third world geography" by Cirilo F. Bautista, visit the link below:


17. when was the third world geography written


Cirilo F. Bautista (July 9, 1941 – May 6, 2018) was a Filipino poet, critic and writer of nonfiction. He was conferred with the National Artist of the Philippinesaward in 2014

18. explain the dramatic situation presented in third world geography by cirilo f bautista.​


The poem describe how the people suffered from the hand of the abusive government. It also depicts the poverty, hunger and the utter agony of the people but it also talks about hope and how people clung onto that hope waiting for a day that a miracle will happen.

This poem teaches us to be resilient and selfless, to not give up even though they are pushing you down not letting you to breathe. It will made you realize that whatever the problem is, big or small, we can overcome it and be free from the burden that holds us to become better.

Past and Present. The past is the shadow of the present. No matter of what had happened in the past, good or bad it is one of the factors of who we are today. Regardless of what we have gone through I wouldn’t change a thing because it made us strong and problem-proof so I am confident that if it ever happens again, I know we will know what to do and what not to do.


19. What are the full meaning of third world geography by cirilo bautista

A Third World country is a country whose views are not aligned with NATO and capitalism or the Soviet Union and communism. The use of the term "Third World" started during the Cold War and was used to identify which of three categories the countries of the world aligned with.

20. allegorical elements Third World Geography​


2nd Stanza

He goes around carrying it

On his back

When asked what is inside,

He say, "Just a handful of feathers,

Just a handful of feathers

The poem literally builds up an imaginary visualization of a man carrying a sack of bag. In a reader's perspective, the persona is discreetly lying about the content of the sack insisting that it just contains a handful of feathers

Figuratively, the poem denotes how one man snatched away all the people's hope on turning down their country's problems and replaced it with a false fantasy. This airy hope chase away the heavy burden felt by the government who considered everything insignificantly and lightly

The second stanza used repetition to emphasize the lies and light treatment of the government. However, this supposed emphasis turned out different in our perspective. Whenever a person is lying, they tend to repeat the words or phrases over and over again



21. Modified true or false the poem is written with sarcastic tone third world geography

The “Third World Geography" poem was written by Cirilo Bautista. It paints a distinct picture of a poor Philippines. The poem somehow reflects the happenings during Martial Law. It also speaks how the government is that time.

No, it wasn't written in a sarcastic tone. It was written in a tone of hope.

22. where do you think is the setting if the poem in the THIRD WORLD GEOGRAPHY​


the combination of setting, characters, and action in a poem which is supposed to engage the reader.


23. List the allegorical elements in the poem Third World Geography​


Form, sound, line, stanza, imaginary words figurative

24. third world Geography by : Cirilo F. Bautista Manila​

penge answer neto pleaseeee

25. What kind of poem is "The Third World Geography"?


This poem explains how the population was harmed by the oppressive regime. Furthermore, it illustrates how uncomfortable and malnourished the people are.



Poem how hungry and suffered

26. what figure of speech are present in the poem of third world geography


the persona in the poem is usually not the poet but is rather a character or a mask which the poet uses as his/her “voice” in the poem.


27. what are the five poetic devices of third world geography

1st Part of The Diagram (Left): What is changed in the environment of Asians? 2nd Part of the Diagram (Right): What are the Issues Asians need to face? 3rd Part of The Diagram (Below): Your Opinion about both.

28. What is the messgae of the poem "third world geography "


All other countries that did not choose a side are referred to as third world countries. The majority of Africa, Asia, and Latin America are included. The term "third world country" is used to describe countries with high mortality rates, particularly newborn mortality rates. They also have a shaky and unreliable economy.

29. What are the meaning of third world geography by cirilo bautista

Third World Geography

The poem Third world Geography by Cirilo Bautista describes third world countries in different of life aspects such as:



People who live in poverty are usually envisioned working under the scorching sun. It symbolizes hardship and the cruel conditions of the work environment.

See the list of questions about poverty at


This is something that everyone needs in this world full of problem and it has every mentioned except that the degree upon which it is needed differs. Governments of third world countries create false hopes by convincing themselves that hardship is "just a handful of feathers" that can be easily carried.


This is the most common causes of death among young children in these poverty-stricken countries. No food and water. The truth is that hunger cannot overcome if people has no authority over the abused land and that will tell you that they can plant rice on "parched earth". 

Philippines is one of the country that has a major problem about poverty. See the details at


"Only the wind hears your useless words". Corruption and bad politics. They know the needs, they know the numbers and yet most keep a deaf ears on poverty and hunger. The rich get only richer and the corrupt becomes the devil's advocate.

It can be called miracle that one day everything will change. But there is an answer that only God knows how and when to resolved those mentioned issues. The history of these third world countries can be changed and written in a better color under the government of God's Kingdom. See for yourself the promise by God at Revelation 21:4 and Daniel 2:44 in your Bible.

Jesus has emphasized it during his ministry here on Earth. What are those teachings? Read on

There are so many issues that are facing by the third world countries such as:

crimesanomalyfamily bond

30. Allegory in the poem third world geography of cirilo f bautista




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List of allegorical elements of the poem "the third world geography" by Cirilo F. Bautista



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An allegory is a story, poem, or an image in which the characters and events symbolize something else. Typically, this symbolizes a moral or a political issue and/or view. In the poem The Third World Geography, written by Cirilo F. Bautista to describe third world countries, the following are the allegorical elements of the poem.

1. "Only the wind hears your useless words" - this shows how the government is made of corruption and bad politics. The government is aware of the needs of the people yet they seem not to hear the cries of the people.

2. "Thinking of banana trees rotting in the sunlight" - this symbolizes those poor people who work so hard under the heat of the sun. Those who live in poverty who experience so much hardships.

3. "You kneel on the parched earth and pray for rice." - this symbolizes the issue on hunger. No one can plant rice on parched earth, thus, no rice shall grow from it. And no rice means there is nothing to eat.

An allegory can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. In the poem The Third World Geography, issues experienced by third world countries are told.


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