Why Do We Need Laws

Why Do We Need Laws

Why do we need a law​

1. Why do we need a law​

For a peace, without law we where going to live in chaotic society

2. Why do we need law? ​

Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. The law is important because it acts as a guideline that is accepted in society. Without it, there was a confrontation between social groups and communities. It is important that we follow them. Law allows changes in society to be easily adopted.


Social interactions and actions are regulated by law. In order to fulfill our fundamental necessities and harness the full potential of human life, people often have tried to survive in business or community with others.

It is important to set standards of appropriate behaviour in order to ensure successful functioning and survival of civilization. Many that refuse to obey will be punished or sanctioned by the State.


I hope that helps :>

3. why do we need law for christians​


In Paul’s theology, near the center of his good news message about Jesus Christ, is the doctrine of justification by faith. God accepts us as righteous on the basis of what Christ has done, not on the basis of what we have done.

This may be interpreted as bad news by people who think they’ve done pretty well. Such people tend not to like the idea that God would lower his standards and accept people who aren’t as good as they are, who haven’t tried as hard as they have.

However, this is incredibly good news for those of us who know that we have messed up pretty badly, and that we could never redeem ourselves, no matter how many good things we do. We realize there is no special merit in doing the things we should have done. We know we can never make up for the fact that we have let God down – all we can do is rely on his mercy.

Hope this help u :)

4. 1 Why do we need equal protection of the law​


Equal protection forces a state to govern impartially—not draw distinctions between individuals solely on differences that are irrelevant to a legitimate governmental objective. Thus, the equal protection clause is crucial to the protection of civil rights.


Hope it helps!<3

5. why do we need to follow the law?


Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general safety.


bc law stands for our own good and safety.

so we need to follow law and learn more about articles in law.

6. why do we need to study the law on obligations and contracts?​

An obligation is a duty to perform to a term or condition. A contract is an agreement between parties where both parties receive something of value called consideration. Consideration can be anything that you believe to have value.

When you get into trouble with the law, a probation agreement is a contract. Instead of going to jail and serving the amount of time you were sentenced to serve, the prosecutor has offered you a deal that comes with terms and conditions. You both are getting something of value out of this probation agreement. You get to go home and not go to prison(that has value to you), they get to have you check in with a probation officer, do drugs test and the whole nine yards(that has value to them).

7. 2. Why do we need laws?​


For a society to run smoothly and without any problems and riots, it needs the main order. Some rules and regulations need to be set to maintain justice and equality in society. ... Now, we have proper law in our society which tells us how to interact with people within it



8. why do we need to study law in bshm course?​

we need to study because

9. why do we need law in our community​


to control the atitude of the peolpe


Without law there will be alot Crimes like Murder.stealing.ect and Money will be useless without law

10. Why do we need to abide with the Laws and Organizations in the Philippines?


We need to abide laws and organizations because it makes the country peaceful and well... If we do not abide laws, our country might be chaotic right now..


11. Why do we need laws in the school? in the community? ASAP

Of course to have a balance in students as well as the faculty members. To give regulation, guidelines, and to have a proper behavior and attitude of each one in school. Like how students using gadgets in school, when will they gonna use it? And what for? Another one is the attire of the students and proper hygiene. Let's face it, its for public display and of course you are meeting other people. You are socializing! Even thought some school, doesn't imply proper etiquette and hygiene. There are laws on each and one school. Like the haircuts of boys, the proper way of displaying girls hair, the attire of boys must be presentable and formal ( in case if they are in school , with no uniforms) as well as girls with the make ups, like no tattoo, no drugs and smoking, etc

12. Why do we need to follow the laws of exponents in solving?


to be answered properly and correctly

13. why do we need to study law of acceleration?​

to find out how it works, what you do to get it out or work

14. Why do we need to consider the laws of motion in sports?​


Newton's Three Laws of Motion explain how forces create motion in sport. These laws are usually referred to as the Laws of Inertia, Acceleration, and Reaction. Similarly, the greater the amount of force applied, the greater the speed the ball has.


law of motion are ubiquitous in everyday life. For example, when you jump, your legs apply a force to the ground, and the ground applies and equal and opposite reaction force that propels you into the air. it governs the behavior of everything that is seen and unseen in earth.

15. why do we need to keep laws?​


For a society to run smoothly and without any problems and riots, it needs the main order. Some rules and regulations need to be set to maintain justice and equality in society. ... Now, we have proper law in our society which tells us how to interact with people within it.


Pa brainliest po ✌

16. why do we need ethics and laws?​

Answer:Aug 21, 2020 · In the very beginning of one of your textbooks book, Vincent Ruggiero responds to the question “Why do we need ethics if we have laws?” (Ruggiero 4) in a rather striking way by claiming, in effect, that ethics is required by the law because it underpins and informs our laws in some way.

Explanation: sana makatulong

17. why do we need an enviromental law ?​


Environmental law works to protect land, air, water, and soil. Negligence of these laws results in various punishments like fines, community service, and in some extreme cases, jail time. Without these environmental laws, the government would not be able to punish those who treat the environment poorly.




Environmental law works to protect land, air, water, and soil. Negligence of these laws results in various punishments like fines, community service, and in some extreme cases, jail time. Without these environmental laws, the government would not be able to punish those who treat the environment poorly.


18. why do we need to obey the laws of the land?​


Rule of law: In democratic societies, governments and those in power are subject to the law of the land. Power changes hands democratically according to the rules of the country's constitution, not as the result of force or war. People have a general duty to obey the law because it is democratically decided.

19. why do we need to study law of acceleration?​


Acceleration ability shows the rate of change of velocity of an athlete in a time interval or in a definite distance, thus starting from rest how fast they reach their maximal or submaximal speed. It is a very important ability for sprinters and in all ball games.

20. why do we need moral laws?​

It is important for humans to uphold morals because we are able to live harmoniously.

21. As a national law, what does VOWC stand for? Why do we need this law?


Gender Roles & Mainstreaming

1. How does gender roles differ from sex roles? Give examples

2. What is meant by gender mainstreaming? What is its objective/s?

1. Gender roles refer to the social and cultural expectations and norms assigned to individuals based on their gender, whereas sex roles refer to the biological differences between males and females. Gender roles are typically constructed by society and vary by culture, whereas sex roles are determined by biology and are consistent across cultures. For example, in some societies, women are expected to take care of children and do housework, while men are expected to provide for the family and engage in work outside the home. These expectations are examples of gender roles. On the other hand, sex roles refer to biological differences, such as the fact that women can bear children and men generally have greater physical strength.

2. Gender mainstreaming refers to a strategy aimed at ensuring that gender perspectives and concerns are integrated into all stages of policy and program development, implementation, and evaluation. The objective of gender mainstreaming is to promote gender equality and address the different needs, interests, and experiences of women and men. This approach recognizes that gender inequality is not just a women's issue but affects society as a whole. Gender mainstreaming involves assessing the implications of any planned action for both women and men, with the goal of reducing gender disparities and promoting gender equality. It is used in a variety of areas, including education, health, employment, and political participation.

22. why do we need moral laws?​


Among the reasons to be moral and integral, regardless of occupation are to: Make society better. When we help make society better, we are rewarded with also making better own lives and the lives of our families and friends. Without moral conduct, society would be a miserable place.


sana po nakatulong po

23. why do we need laws in any economic activity?​


For a society to run smoothly and without any problems and riots, it needs the main order. Some rules and regulations need to be set to maintain justice and equality in society. ... Now, we have proper law in our society which tells us how to interact with people within it.


I hope it helps(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

24. Why do we need to study administrative law?​


Because administrative laws guide the practices and procedures that all government bodies and judicial employees must follow.


so if you wanna be a lawyer you need to know about it to win cases and if you dont want to be a lawyer you still need to learn some law stuff so you have an idea even if your not a lawyer

25. why do we need to follow the law​


We need to follow the law so that we can all be safety


Yes we need


Because following the law means following your duties, its important because this laws make our life safe and protected by the one who leads us and the one who protect us

26. why do we need laws in a country ​


To develop as a nation, the nation needs to make laws to make its society a better place to live. It needs to create laws to make sure that there is no rigging in the elections to make sure there is transparency in politics.


so people will be nice and kind to others


hope it helps

27. Why do we need to know the different characteristics of law?​



What is law? What distinguishes legal order from spontaneous social order? How can we identify when a community is governed by the rule of law? What institutions support the effort to pattern behavior on the basis of deliberately chosen legal rules?

These questions lie at the heart of numerous projects in economics and politics—explaining the evolution of social order in human communities, building markets to support economic growth in poor and developing countries, establishing the necessary architecture for stable democratic governance, managing the increasingly integrated transactions of a globalized web-based economy. Nonetheless, economists and positive political theorists to date have had almost nothing to say about these questions.2 Most work in economics and positive political theory (PPT) simply presumes that legal order is defined by the existence of the institutions that characterize modern western democracies; namely, centralized production of legal rules by legislatures and courts combined with centralized coercive enforcement of those rules by duly constituted governments. The vast majority of economic and positive political theory focuses on the substance of legal rules but not the characteristics of distinctively legal order per se.



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28. why do we need to follow the law?


for the manners of our people and for the good of our country


wla lng trip lng


29. as a student why do we need to follow the law and regulations?​


to learn something in life


short explanation to keep as safe and how to face the future

30. why do we need to follow the law of philippines?


tama yung answer nya


thank you sa points

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