Project Proposal About Environment

Project Proposal About Environment

Example of Project proposal about environment​

Daftar Isi

1. Example of Project proposal about environment​

Answer: It's like this


2. 1. Does our local goverment have any project or project proposal on the combat against the COVID-19 pandemic today, which involves scientific and technological concepts? 2 What is the name of the project? What is the project all about? 3. What benefits will the people of this municipality gain from the said project? 4. What are the possible problems that the project may inflict on the people and the environment? 5 What is your message to the people regarding the proposed project?​





3. 36. The relationship between the human self and the environment has led the mergence and the development of the various approaches to nature. The understanding of these approaches might be useful to encourage someone to conserve, protect, and preserve the environment, EXCEPT one. * a. Utilitarianism b. Natural Ethics c. Instrumental Approach d. Virtue Ethics Perspective 37. In utilitarian approach, action is ethically right when it produces greatest happiness for the greater number of people. In that sense, do you consider it as just and ethical to build more infrastructures (e.g. buildings, expressways, etc.) for human development at the expense of the environment? * a. Yes, because it could generate income thus, it helps the economy to grow and prosper. b. Yes, because in the end a lot of people can benefit from these infrastructures in one way or another. c. No, but if they only choose small portion of land to build the infrastructures then it is just reasonable and fine. d. No, because in the long run, most of us will suffer from the consequences of our actions as human beings continuously prioritizing development over the environment. 38. Human beings are considered as the summit of creation that grants us the freedom and full authority to control the His creation thus, we are permitted to use the environment by any means possible. Is this statement always, correct? * a. No, because our control and authority are only limited to the non-human beings and not directly to the environment itself. b. Yes, the Divine Creator has granted us this power of free will and reason and it is up to us as to how we make use of His Creation by any means possible. c. Yes, because we are created by His image and likeness, and we are tasked to rule over His creation. Thus, we are allowed to do anything we want to the environment and even to the non-human beings. d. No, because as stewards of God, though we have the freedom and authority to control over His creation, we are always reminded about our moral responsibility to take care, protect, and respect the environment and not to use it for own expense. 39. There is an ongoing project on your Barangay yet, you overheard what this project is all about and has the potential to harm the environment. As a SK councilor, what will you do? * a. Neglect the information and act as if that you don’t hear anything. b. Tell everyone in community that your Brgy. Captain has bad intentions to the environment you are living. c. Ask the other barangay officials if there is any way possible for this project not to push through d. Talk with the Brgy. Captain and ask the nature of the project. If what he heard was right, you and the other SK Councilors must come up with a proposed project proposal, that would aim not just for development but also to live sustainably. 40. The following situations shows prudence towards the environment, EXCEPT one. * a. Mika is milk tea lover so she always buys it every other day. She realized that she always consumes plastic from its container down to the straw, that’s why she decided to bring her own container and metal straw next time. b. Cindy is a real estate developer. In order to make more profits, she usually goes to vacant lands and mountainous areas that no one seems to own and cut down the trees endlessly to build some homes and other infrastructures to generate more income. c. Andrew buys his conditioner and shampoo in a sari-sari store nearby. Eventually, he realized that a lot of plastics have been used because of its container, that’s why he decided to go instead to the supermarket every month and buy shampoo, conditioner, and other stuff in bulks. d. Hannah is the town mayor of one of the cities in Cebu. She noticed that it became hotter in the surrounding areas, and the pollution worsens, when they started building the expressway above the river. Because of that, although it benefitted a lot of people from the past years, she decided to tear it down and restore the river again and decided to make it as a green space instead.






4. 1. which of the following does NOT directly support the claim that research reduces man's burden? A. Washing machines lighten burden of washing big laundry items B. Electronic mails replace mails sent and received through post offices and couriers C. The tiring manual processing and statistical treatment of research data ends with SPSS D. Researchers conducted in Antarctica help explain the global problems like climate change 2. It is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables? A. MIXED METHOD B. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH C. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH D. ALL OF THESE 3. Which of the statements below does NOT express the importance of research? A. Research makes teaching/instruction better B. Research upgrades students' performance in school C. Research helps solve social problems like poverty, starvation, etc D. Research causes sleepless nights and nightmarish days to students 4. The statement of the problem is the heart of the research. Which of the statements below does NOT support this? A. Every part of a research study is about it B. Without it, no research project can be done C. It is the starting point of any research proposal D. It must burden any researcher to prove his ability 5. Qualitative research uses the naturalistic approach on its subject matter. What does it mean? A. Researchers immerse themselves in the environment of the research participants B. Researchers study about nature and everything that co-exists with it like wildlife C. Researchers must study in the laboratory engaging with laboratory experiments and the like D. Researchers focus on anything that directly/indirectly relates to the statement of the problem


. which of the following does NOT directly support the claim that research reduces man's burden?C. The tiring manual processing and statistical treatment of research data ends with SPSS

It is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the


Which of the statements below does NOT express the importance of research?

D. Research causes sleepless nights and nightmarish days to students

The statement of the problem is the heart of the research. Which of the statements below does NOT support this?

A. Every part of a research study is about it

Qualitative research uses the naturalistic approach on its subject matter. What does it mean?

B. Researchers study about nature and everything that co-exists with it like wildlife



pa brainliest po need po pls

5. Fill in the blank with a word WOW! If an idea in the sentence expresses no barrier of communication and YAKS! If there is. 1. The professor delivers his speech to all kindergarten learners with a topic “How to Cope Stress." 2. The flight stewardess is happily talking and laughing with some crews in a very friendl environment. 3. She is about to discuss her report to the class but cannot express well her thought because she is too shy. 4. The PTA president is discussing his project proposal to parents while a loud music from the next building is played. 5. She heard bad news in the middle of their conversation with her friend. 6. The three-year old kid talks with his playmates with his same age. 7. Almost of his audience cannot understand his talks for he is shivering. 8. The mother tells a fairy tale to her daughter. 9. The principal and some teachers are having consultative meeting. 10. The doctors speak English fluently during their orientation to farmers.​













hope it's helpful

6. countries, the land of the Philippines is dominatedby one biome, the tropical rain forest. The tropical rain forest habitat covereonly about seven percent of Earth's surface but contains 50 to 80 percent ofEarth's species. Think of what would happen to these species if the tropicalrain forest were destroyed. Nearly all would become extinct.Several possible solutions have been proposed to slow the rate of extinctionaThe government could restrict construction to allow both development andpreservation Projects could be planned so that habitats are disturbed as little aspassible. When clearing land, some could be left in its natural state.Guide Questions:1. List three ways human causes extinctions.2. How does developing land reduce the diversity of life on Earth3. How might humans work to slow the rate of present-day extinctions?4. How might the loss of rainforest habitats affect the global environment7​


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